Workshops with Accreditation for Pilates Method Alliance

No Code Necessary

Advanced Tower System

Let's hang like a Monkey. Let's build Towers. Let's drive like mad truckers! Come checkout this workshop and devise a Tower class/session using Intermediate and Advanced material that is both traditional and fun! You will not only review/learn the exercises but also apply cues to deepen the movement, as well as learn/review the specific teaching format best suited for this class.

Pilates :: Power Pilates
Instructor: Lesly Levy
Leaders CEU's: 2.00
Continuing Education Credits:
Leaders in Fitness - 2.00 | Pilates Method Alliance - 3.00 | Power Pilates - 2.00

All Barrel Review

This workshop is designed for those that would like to refresh the exercises on the Barrels. We will review basic and advanced exercises on the Small Barrel, Spine Corrector and Ladder Barrel. Besides showing the details of the Technique, we will go over progressions, similarities, modifications and variations for each exercise. Roll out the Barrels to center stage!

Pilates :: Power Pilates
Instructor: Marcia Hagemann
Leaders CEU's: 1.50
Continuing Education Credits:
Leaders in Fitness - 1.50 | Pilates Method Alliance - 2.00 | Power Pilates - 1.50

Basics of Anatomy 2017 Edition

This is a study of basic anatomical language, which contains an introduction to planes of movement and major concepts of the skeletal and muscular systems. This interactive course allows the participant to locate muscles and bones, be able to palpate them on their clients, and become familiar with the associated actions. Similar to an in-person workshop, the concepts are demonstrated as they are introduced, since reinforcement and repetition are key to learning anatomy basics! The course includes an outline, literature, and clearly labeled anatomical charts.

Anatomy :: Power Pilates
Instructor: Stephanie West
Leaders CEU's: 4.00
Continuing Education Credits:
Leaders in Fitness - 4.00 | Pilates Method Alliance - 5.00 | Power Pilates - 4.00

Extras and Often Overlooked

Joseph Pilates created his equipment in an attempt to help open, align and challenge the body. As familiar as we are are with the mat, Reformer and Cadillac; we often under utilize or even forget about his smaller creations. During this workshop you will learn how to use the Foot Corrector, Toe Corrector, Magic Square, Bean Bag, Breath-a-Cizer, Pedi-Pole as well as the Jumpboard created by NASA.

Pilates :: Power Pilates
Instructor: Julie Hegge Cordier
Leaders CEU's: 1.50
Continuing Education Credits:
Leaders in Fitness - 1.50 | Pilates Method Alliance - 2.00 | Power Pilates - 1.50

Intermediate Mat Class Review

This workshop will focus in not only reviewing the Intermediate Mat exercises, but it will also provide you with effective and safe ways to progress your student from the beginner level to the intermediate one. This workshop will be helpful for those teaching mat as well as apparatus sessions.

Pilates :: Power Pilates
Instructor: Marcia Hagemann
Leaders CEU's: 1.50
Continuing Education Credits:
Leaders in Fitness - 1.50 | Pilates Method Alliance - 2.00 | Power Pilates - 1.50 | Vbarre - 0.75

Spine Corrector Challenge

The Spine Corrector is that often-forgotten and hardly-ever-used piece of apparatus that spends most of its days sitting on the floor under the Cadillac. This mat-based workout takes the classical Spine Corrector exercises you know and love, and adds more creative exercises borrowing from the Reformer.

Pilates :: Power Pilates
Instructor: Bonnie Grove
Leaders CEU's: 1.25
Continuing Education Credits:
Leaders in Fitness - 1.25 | Pilates Method Alliance - 2.00 | Power Pilates - 1.25

Super Advanced Cadillac - Technique

In this workshop you will learn the exercises you rarely see or get to teach. Be prepared for some fun and dynamic material to come your way!

Pilates :: Power Pilates
Instructor: Lesly Levy
Leaders CEU's: 2.00
Continuing Education Credits:
Leaders in Fitness - 2.00 | Pilates Method Alliance - 2.00 | Power Pilates - 2.00

Super Advanced Reformer - Technique

We all know that there are more than the advanced level exercises that we practice and teach. This course will be looking at the next steps for many reformer exercises and advanced variations.

Pilates :: Power Pilates
Instructor: Lesly Levy
Leaders CEU's: 1.25
Continuing Education Credits:
American Fitness Professionals and Associates - 5.00 | Leaders in Fitness - 1.25 | National Exercise & Sports Trainers Association - 0.20 | National Federation of Personal Trainers - 0.25 | Pilates Method Alliance - 2.00 | Power Pilates - 1.25

Tower Progressions

This workshop guides you in growing your clients safely and effectively from beginner to advanced with the Pilates Tower unit. The workshop reviews technique and teaching formulas, demonstrates progression of exercises and concludes with a full Tower class delivered to an intermediate/advanced level. This class example ties everything together in a practical application of the workshop material.

Pilates :: Power Pilates
Instructor: Lisa Hunsaker
Leaders CEU's: 2.00
Continuing Education Credits:
Leaders in Fitness - 2.00 | Pilates Method Alliance - 3.00 | Power Pilates - 2.00