Instructor: Scott Josephson

No Code Necessary

Paleo Diet: Yes, No, Maybe So

Paleo advocates support the notion that hunters and gathers did not suffer from chronic diseases, diabetes, arthritis, heart disease or cancer. Can this dietary philosophy avoid the pitfalls of auto immune diseases and disorders that are a direct result of foods that must be processed to be made edible? Currently, there are numerous options for tweaking your approach based individual differences and athletic goals, so let's dive in head first and figure out the pros, cons do's, don'ts trade-offs and compromises.

Food / Nutrition :: ECA World Fitness
Instructor: Scott Josephson
Leaders CEU's: 1.00
Continuing Education Credits:
Leaders in Fitness - 1.00 | National Strength and Conditioning Association - 0.20

Pure Foods for Optimal Living!

Sometimes the more you try to find the right foods, the more confused you get! Stop the mystery and get the facts! Learn how to increase energy, strength, endurance, emotional balance and mental clarity. It's time to eat right, as the power lies in the choices we make about what to put on our plates.

Food / Nutrition :: ECA World Fitness
Instructor: Scott Josephson
Leaders CEU's: 1.00
Continuing Education Credits:
Leaders in Fitness - 1.00 | National Strength and Conditioning Association - 0.20